Why AMDR and ACOs?

Originally posted on www.accountablecareforum.com by Daniel J. Vukelich on April 06, 2011
The acronyms and new terminology alone can be overwhelming: ACO: Accountable Care Organization; SSP: Shared Savings Program; VBP: Value-Based Purchasing; HIT: Health Information Technology; and of course, AMDR: Association of Medical Device Reprocessors.
Medical Device Reprocessors? What do medical device reprocessors have to do with ACOs or even healthcare reform for that matter? AMDR, the trade association representing America’ s third-party medical device reprocessing companies, is thrilled to co-sponsor this online forum with Squire, Sanders, & Dempsey, which focuses on Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), because we know healthcare professionals are looking for answers . . . and solutions.  Read full blog entry.