In an article from Beckers Hospital Review Huron Consulting Group issued a briefing entitled, “Ten Overlooked Opportunities for Significant Performance Improvement and Cost Savings.”  The briefing lists Reprocessing of single-use devices among the ways hospitals and health systems  can save their organizations millions of dollars in cost savings.  Jim Gallas, managing director and Performance solutions leader at Huron Healthcare described:

  “As market pressures on hospitals and health systems continue to grow, a comprehensive yet granular approach to reducing expenses in every possible area creates a tremendous opportunity to make healthcare delivery more efficient, as well as fund the changes that reform is bringing.”

Of the 10 areas areas for performance and cost improvement at hospitals and health systems, Hurnon experts identified Reprocessing of single-use devices:

 #9. Reprocessing of single-use devices. Improving single-use clinical device costs by 15 to 40 percent could save $175,000 to $315,000 (based on a 350-bed hospital with $365 million in net patient revenue.)

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