OR Today published a column highlighting 5 tips to maximize the benefits of SUD reprocessing. Drawn from a recent OR Today Live webinar hosted by AMDR, the topic of SUD reprocessing is explored, including 5 take-aways from the webinar. Noting that “growing reprocessing savings year over year takes a focused effort,” here are some tips to grow those savings:
1. Expand the device mix of your program.
2. Engage staff.
3. Gain surgeon buy-in.
4. Increase buy-back.
5. Educate supply chain leaders about contracting challenges.
The full article contains additional details about each of these 5 tips – though tip #3 – “gaining surgeon buy-in” offers a fascinating look at the “back story” of how an important piece of research came to be.
The study, published in the December 2015 issue of Journal of Medical Devices, conducted by Terrence J. Loftus, MD, MBA, FACS, formerly at Banner Health in Phoenix, Ariz., who was also, at the time, a self-proclaimed doubter of SUD reprocessing.
“In 2013, Banner’s clinical consensus group was split on the decision to implement an SUD reprocessing program. To settle the debate, Loftus led a comparison study of SUD and original device defect rates. Loftus believed the study would show reprocessed devices failed more than OEM devices. To his surprise, the study uncovered the exact opposite. OEM devices actually had a defect rate nearly 5 times greater than reprocessed devices. Seeing the results of the study and hearing how Dr. Loftus turned into a believer may help other surgeons who are on the fence about reprocessing.”
The article includes additional details and helpful take-aways for each of its 5 tips. Read More.