by Marie Powers
ENT Today
Published June 1, 2011

The trend to reprocess disposable, or single-use, instruments, a movement that dominates specialties like gastroenterology, cardiology and general surgery, is creeping into otolaryngology. By doing their homework on industry trends, otolaryngologists are in a position to influence purchasing decisions in their practices or hospitals, experts say. In the U.S., the types of reprocessed single-use head and neck instruments are limited mainly to microdebrider blades, certain navigation systems markers, cautery pens, coblation/radiofrequency handles and suction. However, third party reprocessors (TPR) routinely handle forceps, scissors, dissectors, myringotomy kits and many other devices…
… In 2000 and again in 2007, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) studied the safety of reprocessed single-use devices (SUD) and concluded that they pose no additional safety or health risks to patients….

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