AMDR President Daniel J. Vukelich will present at the 2nd Healthcare Development Conference in Chicago October 26.   Presenting, “Reprocessed Medical Devices: A Sustainable Solution,” at 4 PM on Wednesday the 26th, Vukelich will highlight that nearly HALF of operating room budgets are spent on supplies that are thrown out, having been used just once, or even not at all!  FDA-regulated reprocessing of select “single-use” medical devices has been billed as the single most impactful cost-savings and sustainability solution a hospital can implement with NO upfront capital investment.  America’s third-party reprocessors now serve a majority of U.S. hospitals including all of the nation’s honor roll hospitals as listed by U.S. News & World Report.  Vukelich will also provide international attendees with an update on efforts by worldwide regulatory bodies to develop regulations, like those that exist in the U.S., to allow for save, regulated, lower-cost and environmentally-responsible medical device reprocessing.  You can follow Tweets on the conference via Twitter #mtcongress, get more information directly from the conference website, or continue to follow updates from AMDR.