Originally Posted September 21, 2011 by AMDR President, Dan Vukelich

Hospital purchasing personnel are familiar with a variety of tactics that some original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) employ in an effort to maximize sales of their medical devices.  The Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) is aware that contracting agreements proposed by some OEMs might restrict hospital access to lower-cost, FDA-regulated reprocessed devices. When executed effectively, single-use medical device reprocessing programs can potentially save hospitals hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Thousands of healthcare facilities around the country are capitalizing on reprocessing programs as a way to divert valuable resources to improvements in the delivery of patient care. The most highly engaged and proactive healthcare organizations know what to look for when signing new contracts for medical supplies. AMDR is particularly concerned with those organizations in the more nascent stages of implementing reprocessing programs. These organizations should read the Know Your Rights document, where AMDR outlines solutions to the types of contracting challenges hospitals may be experiencing.  With this knowledge in hand, you can better protect your savings, and continue focusing on what matters most – providing top-notch healthcare to your local communities.

Click Here for Original Posting
Know Your Rights document
About ProtectOurSavings.comProtect Our Savings is a blog dedicated to advancing the discussion about efficient financial and environmental resource management. The aim is to be a source of news, commentary and insights related to the responsible delivery of healthcare and the threats that stand in the way of achieving it. Protect Our Savings is hosted by Stryker Sustainability Solutions, a leader in smart healthcare, and features guest posts from providers, clinicians, writers and thought leaders in the field.