Becker’s ASC Review
Written by Abby Callard, November 14, 2011

As reimbursements decline, ASCs need to be even more conscious of their bottom lines. Joseph Zasa, JD, managing and founding partner of ASD Management; Susan Curtis, RN, BSN, CASC and the administrator at the Surgical Center for Excellence; and Richard McGill, administrator at Shelby Baptist ASC, outline 10 often overlooked cost-cutting measures…
5. Reprocess single-use devices. Reprocessing a single-use device often costs half as much as purchasing the device new. Ms. Curtis’ first experience with reprocessing single-use devices was with compression hoses. New, the hoses cost $550, but the cost to repurpose the hose with a certified reprocessing company was only $250. Certain devices can be reprocessed more than once, she adds. If you’re unsure about the process, Ms. Curtis recommends sending the device to the reprocessing center.
“The reprocessing center is the one that decides,” she says. “They’ll look at everything.”

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