The following article, authored by AMDR President Dan Vukelich, was featured in the January 2012 Issue of Medical Tourism Magazine.
January 17, 2012

In today’s market, healthcare providers are struggling to find reliable, low-cost solutions to reduce the financial and environmental burden of providing excellent care. FDA-regulated reprocessed medical devices are not only safe and effective, but use of such devices saves considerable financial resources, as well as dramatically reduces hospital-generated waste.
Under the strong oversight of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), members of the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR)1 reprocess (or clean, test, refurbish, package and sterilize, among other steps) select medical devices labeled by the original manufacturer as for “single-use.” These devices include orthopedic blades, compression sleeves, pulse oximeter sensors, cardiac catheters and laparoscopic surgical instruments. For over ten years, AMDR’s members have been providing America’s hospitals with reprocessed medical devices that are safe, FDA-regulated, lower-cost and environmentally-responsible…

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