The Ontario Hospital Association(OHA) will hold a conference on Monday, May 14 in Toronto to address the issue of Reprocessed Single-Use Medical Devices (SUDs). AMDR President Dan Vukelich will kick off the plenary series with his presentation entitled “International Developments in Reprocessing of Single Use Medical Devices.” During the presentation, Vukelich will introduce participants to the current regulatory landscape for reprocessed SUDs in the United States, Canada, European Union, and others, followed by a discussion on where international regulations are headed in the months and years ahead.
AMDR is pleased to participate in this event and commends OHA for hosting this event which will, among other things, confront the current state of disparate provincial regulation of reprocessing in Canada.  Health Canada does not currently regulate the reprocessing of medical devices at the federal level. Moreover, the Canadian Food Drug and Cosmetics Act and Canadian Medical Device Regulations do not address the way in which healthcare facilities use, maintain or sterilize medical devices. Nevertheless, the practice of reprocessing is thought to be common, but largely unregulated.
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For more information about existing international SUD regulations, be sure to check out AMDR’s Summary or send your questions to
About OHA
Since its inception in 1924, the OHA has helped shape and influence health care policy in Ontario.  Today, most Ontarians take publicly funded, universal health care for granted.  Yet in 1941, many years before the Canada Health Act was passed, the OHA recognized the need for affordable health care and thus created Ontario Blue Cross.  OHA staff were also instrumental in the Ontario government’s creation of the body which ultimately became the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).  Then, out of OHIP came the Department of Health and subsequently, the Ministry of Health.
Today, the OHA assumes a leadership role on the issue of patient safety, and offers its members – Ontario’s private- and public-sector health care organizations, including all 151 hospitals – a multitude of benefits.