EP Lab Digest
Posted on March 27, 2012

Stryker Corporation demonstrates its commitment to environmental responsibility in healthcare by providing a grant to support ‘Lighten Your Carbon Footprint,’ an education session at the 59th AORN Congress in partnership with Pfiedler Enterprises. Today, 800 nurses will learn about the link between environmental and human health, review environmental best practices, as well as discuss strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of the nation’s operating rooms.
“Healthcare sustainability is an important focus at Stryker, because our hospital partners are asking for solutions that optimize the use of environmental resources and improve quality care delivery,” said Tamara Cutler, vice president of public affairs at Stryker. “We understand the importance of clinician involvement in carrying out sustainability initiatives that make a difference every day. This is our third year supporting the event at AORN, because we believe in championing nurses’ role and providing them with measurable ways they can help lower their facility’s carbon footprint.”
…In addition to supporting this event, Stryker is engaged in efforts to lower the environmental footprint of its own operations and pursue new sustainable healthcare initiatives. Some of its current efforts include:
* Supply chain solutions, such as reprocessing and remanufacturing, that help divert medical device waste from landfills and reduce supply costs, thus enabling a reallocation of resources to support other quality care initiatives…

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