High Desert Daily
June 5, 2012

Victor Valley Community Hospital (VVCH) has been awarded the Environmental Excellence Award from Sterilmed Inc., a Minnesota-based health care cost containment company and leading reprocessor of single-use medical devices. Sterilmed honors top facilities and systems throughout the country, and VVCH has been recognized as a Best Practice facility for its superior accomplishments in reducing environmental impact and improving overall health care sustainability through medical device recycling.
Reprocessing and recycling medical devices have become essential components of sustainability programs in the health care community. Reprocessing is proven to not only decrease the magnitude of waste sent to landfills, but also reduce the cost of providing safe and effective medical devices to patients. VVCH is acknowledged as a leader in the health care community for their dedication to environmental excellence…

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To learn more about reprocessed single-use devices, please visit AMDR on the web or send an email to info@amdr.org.