Health Facilities Management
August 2012
By Greg May, CHESP

While sustainability is no longer considered a new concept, it certainly remains an emerging growth sector, especially within the health care environment.
Ten or more years ago, the term sustainability was sparingly addressed within health care organizations. There were very few part-time, let alone full-time, sustainability managers. Today, however, sustainability is discussed routinely in health care facilities, and is breaking free from its relegation to “other duties as assigned.” Sustainability has grown to be a relevant, challenging health care pursuit that is environmen­tally sound and also can be financially rewarding.
…The triple bottom-line model of “people, planet and profit” provides a basis for defining relevance and value for sustainability programs. Utilization of this unique paradigm has driven many significant progressions in sustainability. Simply put, the model addresses the needed balance and consideration of social equity (people), environmental (planet) and economic (profit) impacts. In alignment with health system and community values, it provides a road map for uniquely designed sustainability programs…

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