The Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association
September 28, 2012

The Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA) convened a roundtable meeting yesterday, the first of its kind, with the World Bank and representatives from the international medical device industry to discuss opportunities to improve World Bank procurement processes for medical technology. Industry offered recommendations that were well received to make the procurement process more effective and reliable. The World Bank agreed that an ongoing dialogue will benefit everyone, particularly in the developing world to ensure that doctors and patients have the tools they need to combat disease — a common goal shared both by the medical device industry and the World Bank that is critically linked to poverty reduction and economic growth.
…The full-day consultation was part of the World Bank’s two-year procurement review. As the current chair of DITTA, MITA coordinated the meeting with industry partners Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA), the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) and German Healthcare Partnership…

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