It is with great sadness that AMDR must report that Katie Balmford, who has served as Counsel to the association for over six years, will be leaving today.  Katie has also been a Principal at the law firm of Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Matz, PC  (OFW) but very recently accepted a position with Abbott outside of Chicago.   Katie will leave some very big, though stylish, shoes to fill.  AMDR is grateful for her years of service to the reprocessing industry.  AMDR and its member-companies are better organizations due to her leadership and guidance.  We wish her all the best.  We know that Abbott will be equally well-served.
In other sad news for AMDR, OFW and AMDR legislative assistant Eric Bursch will be moving on this week as well.  Eric had assisted AMDR in all federal and state legislative matters.  Eric has taken a position with newly elected Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota.  We wish Eric all the best and thank him for his service to AMDR as well.
Stepping up to assist AMDR will be Jon Weinrieb, also a Principal at OFW.  Jon brings years of experience in food, drug and device law and will take over as Counsel to the association.  Similarly, Mason Weeda, an Associate Attorney at OFW will take over legislative counsel duties for AMDR.  For more information on Jon and Mason, please see AMDR’s Executive Team page.  Welcome to the team.