blog launches, promises to discuss three pillars of health care success: cost-savings, prevention/patient-centered care and access to care.   Congratulations.  AMDR and the countries’ medical device reprocessing industry will be tuning in and looking to RealWorldHealthcare for other ways hospitals can provide high-quality, value-driven care.

Welcome to, a blog dedicated to showing what’s working to  improve health care in the U.S.
Why are we talking about improving access to good medical care? Rising costs could bankrupt us, and most people need to do a better job of preventing illness. But digging deeper, you may be surprised to learn that almost 10 percent of the U.S. population (that’s 29 million Americans) can’t afford the health insurance copayments, coinsurances and deductibles required to cover out-of-pocket costs for necessary treatments of certain chronic and life-altering medical conditions. The situation is so dire that about 60 percent of the personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. are due to medical expenses.
As we see every day in the news, patients are facing more obstacles in accessing affordable, quality care. As across-the-board cuts to health care programs are now taking effect with implementation of the sequester – along with projected layoffs to health providers across fields – available funds to cover the rising cost of care will be strained even further. Staying abreast of the latest proven solutions to the increasingly complex challenges of our health care system is more important than ever, for patients and providers alike.
We want our blog to be the go-to source for demonstrating what’s working in our health care system by focusing on three important pillars of health care success:  Cost Savings, Prevention/Patient-Centered Care, and Access to Care.

Click here to read more.