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Practice Greenhealth wishes to congratulate its 320 Award winners! Environmental Excellence Award winners are the hospitals, health care providers and organizations of the future. They are innovative and progressive, finding imaginative ways to take their environmental programs to the next level.  To recognize this commitment to excellence, Practice Greenhealth presented its awards in Boston at the CleanMed Conference & Exposition, the premier national environmental conference for leaders in health care sustainability.
The Champion for Change award is reserved for organizational partners supplying health care products and services that are considerate of Earth and its resources. As winners of this award, Stryker Sustainability Solutions and Sterilmed have achieved success in greening their organizations and assisting others who are committed to improving their environmental performance.  Introducing environmental sustainability measures in hospitals not only results in significant savings, but it also prevents an increase in operating costs.  Sterilmed and Stryker Sustainability Solutions help hospitals looking to make a positive impact on their bottom line as well as the environment.
Please assist us in congratulating our members who have demonstrated leadership in reducing their environmental footprint.

 Champion For Change

Sterilmed, Maple Grove, MN

Stryker Sustainability Solutions, Tempe, AZ

Award Winners here