Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) has honored Bill Ravanesi—a photographer, documentarian, activist, and tireless champion for social justice with its Environmental Health Hero Award for his  contribution to the implementation of sustainable health care.

 “Bill is one of the most selfless and devoted activists I have ever met,” states HCWH president and co-founder Gary Cohen. “He epitomizes the work celebrated by Health Care Without Harm’s Environmental Health Hero Award. “He has been one of the critical anchors of the organization since its inception and has consistently created innovative programs that have moved across the country.”
Ravanesi has been with HCWH since 1997 and has over 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector covering health care, public health, and environmental issues. Currently senior director of HCWH’s Green Building and Energy Program, Ravanesi co-coordinates the Boston Green Ribbon Commission’s Healthcare Working Group, assisting Boston hospitals to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions and to become champions for climate change.

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