Improving the health of the community has long been the priority of all healthcare systems in the United States. The goal of sustainable design is, in essence, the same. When the two intersect, patients, staff, and the community benefit. That is why any useable advancement in this area is important to note so that everyone can feel supported with their healthcare. Looking into how Mobile Integrated Healthcare can provide relief to the 911 system whilst dealing with the community in a constructive way, will help all who work in this sector.

By integrating green into all aspects of the organization, the aim is to improve employee safety (real and perceived) by reducing environmental exposure to toxic materials (drugs, cleaning supplies, building materials). Also topping this list is the need to reduce energy and waste costs. On a community level, the provider has increased the number of environmentally related partnerships with community organizations.
Inova health system in Virginia success is proof-positive with a cost savings of more than $225,000 annually in reduced waste disposal, 3 million pounds of recycled goods, 5,000 tree seedlings in the local community, and more than $45,000 spent on local produce. When surveying employees, 99.1 percent noted that sustainability is important to them. When designing facilities for Shore Health in Maryland, there were 15 to 16 percent savings in line with hospital occupancy since facilities have gone green.
President Obama recognized Geisinger Health System by saying, “We have to ask why places like the Geisinger Health System in rural Pennsylvania can offer high-quality care at costs well below average. We need to identify the best practices across the country, learn from the success and replicate that success elsewhere.”

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