Can sustainable hospitals help bend the health care cost curve? Research says “yes.” A 2012 Commonwealth Fund report concluded that hospitals have a  $15.2 billion savings opportunity over 10 years simply by using energy resources more efficiently, generating less waste, and maximizing operating room efficiencies related to pack reformulation and single-use device reprocessing; all while contributing to a healthier environment and improving community health.  It is no longer a question of why leaders should embed sustainability into the fabric of their organization—the question is how to do it effectively.  How do you create a culture of sustainability that generates understanding and support from the highest levels of leadership to nurses, doctors, and operational managers?  The goal of this session is to empower health care C-suite leaders to develop and implement a strategic sustainability roadmap that will help the environment, contribute to a healthier community, and ultimately help their facilities achieve financial savings.
Through a series of panel discussions and case study presentations, this interactive workshop will address the following elements of successful sustainability programs:

  • Top CEO concerns: Can effective sustainability efforts ease the pain of increasing costs?
  • Projects make a difference: How can you emulate them to benefit your facility?
  • Creative financial strategies: How can sustainability savings fund other projects?
  • Culture and organizational readiness: What’s holding back your sustainability efforts?

Review details of the summit here