The Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI), Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (VAHHS) and Efficiency Vermont announced today that Vermont is the first state to commit to enrolling all of its hospitals in HHI, a collaborative of leading health care institutions united to speed the health care sector toward environmental sustainability.

HHI is a no-cost campaign to accelerate the adoption of sustainability practices in the day-to-day operations of hospitals in the U.S. and Canada for improved health of patients, staff, and community; reduced environmental impact by the sector; and considerable fiscal savings that reduce the overall national health care costs through better public health. There are currently nearly 800 hospitals enrolled in HHI using their collective sustainability experience, purchasing power and industry representation to encourage the widespread use of proven sustainability practices in six key “Challenge” areas: Engaged Leadership, Healthier Food, Leaner Energy, Less Waste, Safer Chemicals, Smarter Purchasing
“It is inspiring that the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems and Efficiency Vermont have fully engaged all of the hospitals in their state, driving them toward HHI’s resources and proven strategies,” said Gary Cohen, President of Health Care Without Harm and Founder of HHI. “The collective experiences of our health care community show that this is both a sound business decision and the right thing to do for improved public health and reduced environmental impact.”

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