“The high cost of healthcare today is concerning, and is one reason why sustainability is absolutely essential, yet many organizations are still trying to rally internal consensus around the adoption of environmental goals,” said Joanne Spigonardo, Senior Associate Director of Business Development of Wharton’s IGEL program. “We are thrilled to partner with Johnson & Johnson to help the healthcare sector improve their mechanisms for measuring the benefits of sustainability and communicate the impact they are having in terms of cost reductions and better patient outcomes.”
According to a recent poll by Practice Green Health and Johnson & Johnson, 37 percent of hospital administrators cite reducing overall operational costs as their top sustainability priority and name reducing energy usage, purchasing environmentally-preferred products and supplies, and decreasing waste as other key strategies. In response, healthcare suppliers have begun to integrate sustainability criteria into their development process, and companies like Johnson & Johnson have set goals to increase the environmental performance of their products.
“As a supplier to hospitals worldwide, we see sustainability as an increasing trend among our customers,” said Brian Boyd, Vice President of Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability at Johnson & Johnson. “Hospitals are asking for more sustainable products because they see it not only as part of their environmental strategy, but also a huge opportunity to reduce costs and improve health.”

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