Working greener could help a hospital trust to save money.  Sustainability was put on top of the healthcare agenda when Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Queen Alexandra Hospital, took part in its third annual NHS Sustainability Day.

‘The NHS is responsible for around 40 per cent of the England’s public sector carbon emissions so has a huge role to play.  ‘The NHS has set a target of a 34 per cent reduction in its carbon footprint by 2020 and a 50 per cent reduction by 2025.  ‘We back this strategy and are working hard to achieve it in areas such as energy use, procurement, transport and waste disposal.
‘Our staff are key to helping us to meet these targets and we will be encouraging them to participate in any way they can.  ‘The benefits to our staff can include lower energy bills at home and a fitter, healthier lifestyle.’  Personal travel planning, recycling and looking at low-emission vehicles were all covered at yesterday’s event.

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