The nation’s FDA-regulated, third-party medical device reprocessing industry has led the overall device industry in providing GREEN medical device alternatives for the healthcare community.  Reprocessed devices are 100% recycled!  And when they reach their end-of-life and can no longer be used in a clinical setting, the devices are broken down and metals and plastics are recycled and put to use in other applications.  AMDR is proud of the environmental record of the nation’s medical device reprocessing industry.
Medical Product Manufacturing News reports Suppliers Aim to Renew OEMs’ Interest in Eco-Friendly Plastics (March 2010):

Consequently, many manufacturers of consumer products and packaging have indulged the public’s demand for “greener” materials by incorporating biodegradable, biobased, or recycled plastics into their designs. . . This hasn’t been the case for the medical device industry, however…. (emphasis added)