reports that the Michigan Legislature Sends Device Re-Use Bill to Governor, (03/16/10). AMDR-supported legislation to prohibit certain re-use of “single-use” items has passed the Michigan legislature. reports that Senate Bill No. 528 was passed 37-0 and the bill is now being prepared for presentation to Governor Jennifer Granholm. 

 The bill states that a health care provider shall not knowingly reuse, recycle, refurbish for reuse or provide for reuse a single-use device. Exceptions are provided for health care providers that use a single-use device that has been reprocessed by an entity registered as a reprocessor and regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or uses an open but unused single-use device that has been resterilized. Violations of the law, if enacted, would incur up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine up to $50,000.