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AMDR Statement: Separating the Facts from the Myths about FDA Regulated, Reprocessed LigaSures™

23 September 2024 Statement from AMDR: Separating the Facts from the Myths about FDA Regulated, Reprocessed LigaSures™ In September 2020, a Medtronic-funded study purporting to show soiled reprocessed LigaSure devices was published in the Journal Surgical Endoscopy. After an exhaustive, year-long independent review by the publisher, an important correction was added to the article, indicating

Sustainability Mythbusters: Debunking the Sustainability Myths

Sustainability also leads to gains in efficiency that ultimately results in cost savings. Hospitals that invest between $100,000 and $1 million in saving energy, for example — things like HVAC upgrades and lighting retrofits — can cut energy use by up to 20%. Those that take a more comprehensive approach have the potential to save more than

CleanMed 2011 Wrap-Up

Earlier this month, AMDR had the privilege of attending the 2011 CleanMed conference in Phoenix, AZ, sponsored by Stryker, Health Care Without Harm and Practice GreenHealth, among others. CleanMed brings together individuals from all over the nation who are devoted to improving sustainability efforts across the spectrum of healthcare. Participants are exposed to a plethora of sustainable options

GreenNurture: Misconceptions and Benefits of Reprocessing Medical Devices

GreenNurture: Misconceptions and Benefits of Reprocessing Medical Devices (10/10/10): Reprocessing Benefits for Hospitals include: ->Decreases health care spending in the long-term -> Cost savings (When compared to purchasing new equipment, reprocessing medical devices allows for a 50 percent reduction of medical device costs.) ->Reduces medical waste (In 2008, reprocessing kept more than 4 million pounds (2,150  tons) of

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