Comments from the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors
European Commission’s Public Consultation on the Circular Economy
August 20, 2015
The Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) applauds the Commission’s Circular Economy initiative and urges consideration of the effects of healthcare waste. The reprocessing of a select number of medical devices labeled by the original manufacturer as for “single‐use” safety extends the life and value of expensive medical instrumentation, reduces demands on natural resources, eliminates medical waste and repurposes valuable materials such as gold, platinum, steel and plastics. The nascent commercial medical device reprocessing industry, if properly promoted, has the potential to save EU hospitals hundreds of millions of Euros a year, reduce hazardous medical waste, increase recycling, and drive job growth in the reprocessing industry…
Full Comments Available Here via PDF:
AMDR Comments to EC Consultation on Circular Economy 20 August 2015