AMDR President Dan Vukelich will be participating in a public hearing today held by the US International Trade Commission (USITC), entitled “Remanufactured Goods: An Overview of the U.S. and Global Industries, Markets, and Trade.” President Vukelich will be presenting on behalf of the third-party “single-use” device (SUD) reprocessing industry alongside other leaders in the healthcare sector from Siemens, GE Healthcare, and the International Imaging Technology Council. While this procedure is primarily a fact-finding activity for the USITC to determine the size and scope of the remanufacturing industry, AMDR hopes the activity will bring light to the growing remanufacuturing industry and remove unnecessary trade barriers in today’s global economy. Third-party SUD reprocessing has been regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) since 2000 and is currently used by over 3,000 hospitals in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other countries throughout the world.
AMDR Statement for US ITC Hearing
Background: As requested by USTR, the Commission will conduct an investigation and prepare a report that provides an overview of the U.S. remanufactured goods industries and markets, estimates U.S. and global trade in remanufactured goods to the extent possible, and examine factors affecting trends in remanufactured goods trade. The Commission’s report will focus on remanufacturing-intensive sectors in the U.S. economy that account for the majority of remanufacturing activity in the United States.  A report based on these findings will be due to the U.S. Trade Representative no later than October 28th, 2012.