After receiving AMDR’s rebuttal to SGNA’s 6/7/13 position statement on reprocessing, Becker’s ASC Review has revised the original article with the SGNA statement with AMDR’s position below, and published a brief statement on behalf of AMDR:

The Association of Medical Device Reprocessors has released a response to the recent “Reuse of Single-Use Critical Medical Devices” statement by the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates.  The SGNA stance calls for further research on the risk and potential benefits of reprocessing single-use medical devices.  The AMDR responses states that all devices cleared by the FDA for reuse are supported by ample evidence for reprocessing and reuse.

See AMDR’s statement as published by Becker’s here
See Becker’s revised publication of the SGNA statement, linking to AMDR’s statement below here