The Paramus Post, reports that in recent years, hospitals across the nation have discovered that the benefits of “going green” go beyond just helping the planet. U.S. hospitals are second only to the food industry for producing waste, discarding nearly 4 billion pounds of trash annually, and are the nation’s leading consumer of energy. With the addition of hospital-based green initiatives, hospitals are beginning to better understand their environmental impact, their responsibility to create a healthy patient care environment, and the real cost savings that can be realized through “green” initiatives.

Valley Health System in New Jersey is dedicated to reducing its adverse environmental impact. Valley formalized its green and sustainable commitment when Audrey Meyers, Valley’s CEO and President, signed a pledge to adhere to the agenda set forth by the nationwide Healthier Hospitals Initiative. In March 2011, Valley was the first hospital in New Jersey to sign that pledge. With the assistance of a team of employees from across the health system, Howard Halverson, Valley’s Director of Environmental Services, coordinates the system’s environmental efforts.
In 2013, in addition to broadening its recycling program, Valley Health System has implemented a number of additional environmentally sensitive programs and equipment as part of its “green” commitment.
“By creating a greener environment in our facilities, we create a healthier environment for patients and staff, and the health system reduces operating costs at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone” says Halverson.

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