CleanMed 2012 Press Release
Posted on April 4, 2012
Johnson & Johnson has become the first international sponsor of CleanMed, the premier national environmental conference for leaders in health care sustainability. Presented annually by nonprofit organizations Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth, CleanMed inspires the health care sector to implement sustainable, environmentally friendly practices. As part of the arrangement, Johnson & Johnson will sponsor CleanMed 2012, to be held in Denver, Co, April 30-May 2, 2012, as well as CleanMed Europe 2012, which will be held in Malmo, Sweden, on Sept. 26-28, 2012. As part of its agreement, Johnson & Johnson will also sponsor the Practice Greenhealth Awards ceremony at CleanMed 2012, where hospitals and other Practice Greenhealth members excelling in their sustainability efforts will be recognized for achievements in a number of categories, including sustainability leadership…
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CleanMed is the premier global conference on environmentally sustainable health care. CleanMed’s mission is to accelerate the health care sector’s commitment to environmental sustainability and regenerative health to improve the health of people and the environment. For more information, visit
CleanMed Europe is THE European conference on sustainability within the health care sector. The conference addresses the environmental impact of the health care sector on a local, regional, and global level. CleanMed Europe offers a wide spectrum of presentations and workshops on today’s most pressing environmental issues, presented by leading international experts and organisations. Founded in 2001 by the non-profit organization Health Care Without Harm, the conference serves as a clearing house for cutting-edge practices related to designing and building greener hospitals, creating healthier food systems and promoting preventive medicine. For more information, contact