Brand Management firm Interbrand reports that Johnson & Johnson was ranked No. 6 in its annual Best Global Green Brands Rankings and the No. 1 ranked healthcare company. The rankings, performed by Interbrand and Deloitte is based on assessing both market perception and actual environmental performance.

Johnson & Johnson sees its work in sustainability as a continual evolution, one that’s linked to its mission of transforming the health and well-being of its customers, employees, and its partners around the world. Its Healthy Future 2015 plan addresses “the ultimate human health issue” (the environment) by increasing efficiency across its enterprise, encouraging sustainability throughout its supply chain, reducing the impacts of packaging and waste, and fostering transparency and collaboration.
In 2012, the company increased disclosure of sustainability information and reported that 41 percent of its strategic suppliers met two or more sustainability goals—such as targets around waste, energy, water, and safety—by the end of 2012.
Johnson & Johnson shows the company is listening to consumers—and reinforces the credibility of its commitment to put health first. Johnson & Johnson is working on its environmental sustainability goals.

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