EU Council Makes Medical Device Reform Breakthrough After Years of Deadlock
The Council of the European Union has published a compromise text on medical device regulation, three years after the Commission first proposed reworking the legislation. Making the breakthrough
Demonstrate Your Environmental Commitment — Sign the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Pledge
Practice Greenhealth is the nation’s leading membership organization for companies in health care that have made a commitment to sustainable, environmentally preferable practices. Practice Greenhealth’s Greening the Supply Chain™ Initiative provides a common set of
Healthier Hospitals Caps 3 Years of Powerful Change
[Practice Greenhealth] launched the Healthier Hospitals Initiative in 2012 to raise the bar in healthcare sustainability, challenging the entire healthcare sector to accelerate its progress as a whole. With the backing of 12 founding health systems,
Research and Markets: Global Medical Waste Management Market 2015-2019
The analysts forecast the global medical waste management market to grow at a CAGR of 5.35% over the period 2014-2019. This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global medical waste
Press Release: MedTech Europe Encouraged by Council Discussions
Brussels, 19 June 2015 MedTech Europe, the alliance of Eucomed and EDMA, welcomes the fact that the Council has opted to move forward with its proposal. At the same time, MedTech Europe
Obama Administration Sees Cost Savings, Health Benefits from Climate Action
The health and economic benefits of global climate change policies outweigh the impacts of taking no action, the Obama administration said Monday in a new report, which was released as Congress tries to weaken some