Award-Winning Environmental Purchasing Program Strategies
...Whether you’re just getting started or well on your way, the right tools can help further transform your supply chain process. This checklist provides an overview of some key environmental purchasing strategies suggested by Practice
And the Award Goes to …
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center is this year’s Greening the OR Award winner. The OR is a large contributor to a health care facility’s environmental footprint, but health systems nationwide are transforming their surgical suites through environmental
Healthier Hospitals Initiative's 2014 Milestone Report Caps Three Years of Sustainability Achievement Among Hospitals Nationwide
From p. 23 of the Report: SUD Reprocessing One of the goals of the Smarter Purchasing Challenge is to increase the purchases of reprocessed SUDs by at least 50 percent over baseline. While the collection
Reprocessed Medical Devices Market to Grow at 19.3% CAGR due to Minimization of Medical Waste: Transparency Market Research
Growing at a healthy CAGR of 19.3% between 2014 and 2020, the global reprocessed medical devices market is anticipated to reach a market value worth US$2.58 billion
Healthy Hospitals Initiative Wraps Up, But Strategies Live On
After achieving success in getting more hospitals involved in reducing their carbon footprint, the Healthy Hospitals Initiative will remain a Practice Greenhealth program. The environmentally focused Healthy Hospitals Initiative finished with a bang, receiving
Seven High Points from the IAMERS Annual Meeting
Last week, I attended the annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Equipment Remarketers and Servicers (IAMERS) in Washington, DC. It was a great meeting and I was alert throughout the entire event. Sometimes,