EORNA Congress in Rome–1 week to go!
May 7-10, 2015: AMDR President, Dan Vukelich, will be speaking at the EORNA Congress in Rome, Italy! Read More.
The Association of Medical Device Reprocessors Celebrates Earth Day!
The Association of Medical Device Reprocessors is happy to celebrate Earth Day and congratulates our partners who are committed to implementing sustainable, environmentally friendly practices. AMDR member-companies are committed to greening healthcare. Indeed, reprocessing is
Canada, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health:
Reprocessing of Single-Use Medical Devices: A 2015 Update “…Given that there are no commercial single-use device reprocessors in Canada, many Canadian hospital facilities outsource their reprocessing to FDA-licensed, third-party reprocessors in the US…” https://www.cadth.ca/reprocessing-single-use-medical-devices-2015-update
Single-use Device Reprocessors Urge EU Regulators to Settle Key Issue
As the European Council continues its deliberations over a proposed comprehensive new Medical Device Regulation, the requirements for the reprocessing of single-use devices remains one of the main issues to be settled, according to Dan
Practice GreenHealth Webinar: Embedding Sustainability in Hospital Operations through a Project-based Sustainability Training Program for Front-line Leaders
In order to truly integrate sustainability into hospital operations, effective engagement of front-line leaders is required. Senior leadership endorsement is a necessary prerequisite, but champions who are leaders of front-line staff are critical to educate
Obama Enlists Hospitals & Medical Professionals to Fight Health Hazards of Climate Change
Obama enlists hospitals, medical professionals to fight health hazards of climate change - FierceHealthcare The White House says it will look to the medical community to make the case that climate change poses significant health risks