AdvaMed Rearranges FDA’s Priority List
The medical device trade group tells FDA which guidance topics should be tackled first. The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) has voiced its opinion on which topics the medtech industry believes should be FDA's highest
Sustainability in the Operating Room
... Sustainability in the OR is a multipronged initiative that can include, but is not limited to, recycling and reprocessing equipment; reducing prescription drug waste; properly disposing of medical waste; and choosing and managing anesthetics
Three Ways to Sell your Hospital on Sustainability
Despite popular perceptions that sustainability measures will financially drain hospitals and health systems, they can drive savings when organizations take certain steps,according to a new report from the University of Pennsylvania. There are numerous ways
The 2014 Practice Greenhealth Sustainability Benchmark Report
Check out the just released 2014 Practice GreenHealth Sustainability Benchmark Report (members only). The report again highlights that award-winning hospitals adopt SUD reprocessing as a means to cut regulated medical waste. In fact, according to
AMDR Practical Considerations White Paper (2016) Certain contracts could limit SUD reprocessing savings. Check out this 2 page white paper from AMDR with practical contracting considerations aimed at maximizing the benefits of reprocessing and minimizing potential disruptions presented in certain