Reprocessing in the News – Best of 2014
Sustainability: Greening the OR Reduces Waste Posted on January 9th, 2014 “It costs the hospital 10 times more to haul away one bag of medical waste that has to be specially handled and treated compared
Johns Hopkins Finds Physician Support is Key to Recycling
Johns Hopkins finds physician support is key to recycling. If anyone could convince physicians about the merits of launching an initiative to recycle and reduce waste in the operating room, it's Lauren C. Berkow, M.D.
Contracts and Kill Switches: Reprocessing is saving hospitals money, but OEMs are fighting back
Since becoming an early adopter of single-use device reprocessing back in 2002, St. Joseph Health System is now saving nearly $3 million a year for its 16 hospitals in California, West Texas, and Northern New Mexico, and diverting 80,000 pounds of
Sustainability: Rising to the Forefront of Hospital Purchasing Decisions
Sustainability is increasingly becoming a major consideration when hospitals make purchasing decisions, according to a recent Harris Poll survey. Over half of the respondents reported that they are currently considering sustainability and 80 percent expect
Hospitals could save two million – if someone acted.
The attached article comes from Finance Newspaper in Slovenia. It has been translated and can be found in its original form at Tone Lovšin, Trokar company: The longer the state of reprocessing remains vague
HPN: Sorting out the savings in waste management
Christine-Marie Eno, Director of Materials Management at Catholic Medical Center, NH, said they continually save about 10,000 pounds of device waste from entering the landfill each year by reprocessing SUDs. "From 2011 to 2013 our supply