First Do No Harm: Why Sustainable Healthcare Needs You
It’s no coincidence then that, as the focus on health care quality intensifies, we are also seeing an expanded emphasis on sustainability. Industry organizations like Practice Green Health and Healthier Hospitals Initiative are expanding their
Dan Vukelich To Speak At CEDEST Today
Dan Vukelich will be speaking today, May 15, at CEDEST in Cartagena, Spain, "Reprocessing Single-Use Medical Devices: Experience in the U.S."
CleanMed To Host 2014 Conference on Sustainable Healthcare
CleanMed will hold its 2014 conference at the Global Center for Health Innovation in Cleveland, Ohio on June 2-5. CleanMed brings the nation's preeminent healthcare leaders together with an outstanding line up of healthcare sector
MD H2E Cites Reprocessing As Important for Sustainability at "Boardroom Level"
Sustainability investments have been shown to spur employee retention, improve public health and mission-based goals, increase or maintain reimbursement rates through patient satisfaction, and encourage CFOs to engage in life-cycle thinking. In addition, as community
Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (MD H2E) Highlights Reprocessing Savings
Maryland hospitals have a lot to be proud of. H2E's Sustainable Victories publication highlights Johns Hopkins Bayview for increasing medical device reprocessing savings 31 percent and diverting approximately 7,000 pounds of waste from landfills.
Calculating the Value of Health Care Sustainability
What do roof shingles, intravenous tubing, floor cleaners and heart catheters have in common? They're all necessary to run a hospital. The wide array of products needed in the healthcare setting, coupled with pressure on