Conference Announcement: Metrics that Matter, Messages that Motivate – Making the Right Case for Sustainability in Healthcare
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 9:00am to 2:00PM EST Philadelphia, PA Hosted by: Wharton IGEL, Johnson & Johnson Event Title: Metrics that Matter, Messages that Motivate Event Theme: Making the Right Case for Sustainability in Healthcare Abstract: While sustainability is gaining
Nurses Take the Temperature of a Changing Climate
Public dialogue has also begun to converge on the role of hospitals and clinicians in protecting public health from global warming. Just in the past few months, Time magazine, Forbes and the San Francisco Chronicle all highlighted the unique position
Webinar Announcement: Healthier Hospitals Initiative – Less Waste: Red Bag Waste Reduction
November 18, 2013 - 3:00 - 4:00pm EST Everyone knows healthcare can be a messy business – with hospitals generating approximately 5.9 million tons of waste every year destined for landfills, incineration, or other environmentally
Going green doesn’t have to mean seeing red in managing waste
As hospitals and healthcare systems struggle with growing costs, shrinking revenues and pressures to reduce their environmental footprints, there is a tremendous opportunity for them to cut costs and waste through more sustainable practices. Kenneth
Lessons for Health Care in a Changing Climate
A year after Sandy, what have we learned? At a community health level, we learned that the loss of 15 percent of the total bed capacity in New York City, alongside 5000 nursing home beds,
Greening our hospitals
Healthcare Without Harm currently assists hospitals and health systems in 53 countries reduce their negative impact on the environment. They speak on how there is some irony in the healthcare industry, where medical professionals swear to