
A greener path to health care

Going green isn’t easy, but Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, NH is taking on the task. Unlike many organizations that focus their efforts in one or two areas, the Peterborough hospital is tackling all six

Going Green Pays Off for Hospitals, Mother Earth

Hospitals and Health Networks (H&HN) reports that Health systems lead the effort to reduce their effects on the environment.  Regardless of what the truth is on the existence of global warming, hospitals are reducing pollution

Happy World Environment Day, From AMDR

CleanLink, the Professional Cleaning Industry’s Online Resource reports: This special day, which is celebrated every year on June 5, helps raise global awareness about the need to always think about the environment and how our

Change a life today

As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.

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