What does Climate Change Have to Do with Health Care?
Gary Cohen, Co-Founder and President of Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth, and on the board of the American Sustainable Business Council and Health Leads, published an article in Forbes as part of a special series for World
10 Overlooked Opportunities for Performance Improvement and Hospital Cost Savings
In an article from Beckers Hospital Review Huron Consulting Group issued a briefing entitled, “Ten Overlooked Opportunities for Significant Performance Improvement and Cost Savings.” The briefing lists Reprocessing of single-use devices among the ways hospitals and
CleanMed 2013 – Important Boston Location Update
CleanMed, is the premier conference on environmental sustainability for the health care sector which attracts leaders and key decision makers from across the industry. Next week, April 24-26th 2013 is their conference highlighting the health
UCSF Medical Center Publishes First Sustainability Report
Protecting the environment is a top priority for the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. In its journey to greener options, it has published its first “sustainability report,” which documents a variety of sustainability efforts
Rhode Island Hospitals Honored for Green Efforts
Eco RI News reports that twenty percent of hospital waste comes from the operating room. In an effort to encourage more hospital sustainability, Hospitals for a Healthy Environment in Rhode Island (H2ERI) has presented their inaugural
Esperança Celebrates Stryker Sustainability Solutions as Largest Donor of Unused Medical Supplies
Often in Stryker Sustainability Solutions daily collection of used medical devices from hospitals and surgery centers throughout the U.S. that it ships for reprocessing, service representatives collect medical devices that have never been used, but