Sustainability: Past, Present, and Future
From, Sustainability: Past, Present, and Future: The corporate community cannot ignore the overwhelming logic of the business case for sustainability. The benefits include reduced input costs, increased risk mitigation, lower healthcare costs, greater worker productivity, improved
Check Out Real World Health Care Blog blog launches, promises to discuss three pillars of health care success: cost-savings, prevention/patient-centered care and access to care. Congratulations. AMDR and the countries' medical device reprocessing industry will be tuning in and looking
CSR Talkback: Reducing the Environmental Impact of Hospitals
Adam Cornfield, Product Manager for Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., part of Johnson & Johnson's Medical Diagnostics & Device sector, discusses the company's EarthWards process to respond to customer needs and the demand for more sustainable health
Journal of Healthcare Contracting, Moving forward to Value-Based Contracting,
The Journal of Healthcare Contracting tackles health providers' efforts in Moving forward to Value-Based Contracting, 02/25/13: “Value-based purchasing is shifting our focus from volume to value, and the evolution of the ACO models is shifting our
U.S. News' Economic Intelligence: Sustainability Pays
U.S. News & World Report's Economic Intelligence reports that Sustainability Pays. In recent years, many U.S. companies have found that a commitment to sustainability can boost the bottom line. It's a finding that has surprised
AMDR White Paper: Best Clinical Practice Backgrounder on Reprocessing
This document was developed to serve as background information on the practice of regulated reprocessing or remanufacturing of single-use medical devices. It includes the applicable federal law and regulatory scheme . . .