City hospitals take a green turn
Check out's article, City hospitals take a green turn Hospitals have both economic reasons as well as concern for the environment to take the green turn.After all,the ‘green’ practices city hospitals have adopted have
Toward Greener Products: The Complex Journal of Product Innovation
CSRwire' Talkback discusses Johnson & Johnson's Earthwards program, designed to promote greener product development throughout the enterprise in Toward Greener Products: The Complex Journal of Product Innovation: Companies often refer to sustainability as a journey and
Earthwards: Johnson & Johnson’s Drive Toward a Healthy Future talks about Johnson & Johnson’s Drive Toward a Healthy Future: This is part one in a series about Earthwards®, a Johnson & Johnson program designed to promote greener product development throughout the enterprise. You will hear
Becker's ASC Review: Reprocessing Best Practices: Q&A With Stryker Sustainability Solutions President Brian White
Stryker Sustainability Solutions President Brian White talks with Becker's ASC Review about reprocessing best practices: Reprocessing programs offer hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers the opportunity to improve patient care and reduce costs by safely sanitizing reusable
Health Facilities Management Interview with Gary Cohen
Health Facilities Management discusses the Healthy Hospitals Initiative with Gary Cohen, co-founder, president and executive director of Health Care Without Harm. If hospitals are to improve efficiency and quality while cutting costs, sustainability programs will
Environmental Leader: More Companies Profit from Sustainability, Survey Finds
Environmental Leader, More Companies Profit from Sustainability, Survey Finds: Sustainability is paying off for a growing number of companies with 37 percent of surveyed executives reporting a profit from their efforts, a 23 percent rise