MedPageToday,com, Proposed System Reforms Could Save $2 Trillion, 01/11/13:
MedPageToday,com, Proposed System Reforms Could Save $2 Trillion, 01/11/13: WASHINGTON — Accelerating use of reforms such as patient-centered medical homes and new Medicare pay policies could slow healthcare spending by $2 trillion over the next
Dotmednews: Single-use device reprocessing
Dotmednews: Single-use device reprocessing There’s an easy way hospitals can save thousands of dollars a year while reducing their waste output and helping the planet: single-use device reprocessing. Devices labeled for singleuse are disinfected and
The Commonwealth Fund: Confronting Costs: Stabilizing U.S. Health Spending While Moving Toward a High Performance Health Care System
The Commonwealth Fund releases its report Confronting Costs: Stabilizing U.S. Health Spending While Moving Toward a High Performance Health Care System. The Fund's Commission on a High Performance Health System "recommends a set of synergistic provider payment
Modern Healthcare: CMS announces over 100 new ACO contracts
Use of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) continues to expand according to Modern Healthcare, in CMS announces over 100 new ACO contracts. ACOs "offer hospitals and doctors financial incentives to improve quality and slow health spending..." Accountable
Hospitals & Health Networks: Using Comparative-Effectiveness Research to Improve Care
Vivian Ho, Ph.D., chair of health economics at Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy in Houston and professor in the department of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston writes
Becker's ASC Review, 11 Ways to Cut Overhead Costs at Surgery Centers
Medical device reprocessing included in Becker's ASC Review, 11 Ways to Cut Overhead Costs at Surgery Centers: "There are companies that focus on reprocessing and they are safe," says Mr. Dailey. "The instruments are still effective