Practice Greenhealth: Resourceful PPE strategies bridged the gap, now hospitals seek sustainable solutions
As supplies of personal protective equipment dwindled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals across the country were innovative and resourceful. Practice Greenhealth member University of Florida Health developed prototypes of face masks made from plentiful
AHA: FDA authorizes N95 decontamination system’s emergency use
The Food and Drug Administration May 27 authorized the emergency use of the Stryker Sustainability Solutions VHP N95 Respirator Decontamination System during the COVID-19 pandemic. The device decontaminates compatible N95 respirators for multiple-user reuse to prevent exposure
Health Care Without Harm: Safer medical devices – in transition for another year
Healthcare professionals rely on medical devices to treat their patients and safeguard their health, yet delays to regulation restrict their access to safer technologies. In May 2017, the EU adopted the new Medical Devices Regulation
Sustainable Technologies™, a Cardinal Health Business, in Partnership with Battelle
N95 Respirator Mask decontamination AMDR-member Sustainable Technologies™, a Cardinal Health business, is collaborating with Battelle to provide an end-to-end solution for collecting, decontaminating and returning N95 respirator masks. Under a contract with the federal government,
AMDR Statement – Device Collections and COVID-19
As hospitals begin to reopen to elective procedures, the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) is pleased that all its members are fully operational. Single-use device (SUD) reprocessing programs are more important than ever and
What is a pulse oximeter, and does the coronavirus pandemic mean you need one?
Before the coronavirus pandemic, most Americans had heard about pulse oximeters only via TV shows where EMTs shout out a patient’s “pulse ox” — or measure of oxygen in the blood. But when multiple news reports