What is a pulse oximeter, and does the coronavirus pandemic mean you need one?
Before the coronavirus pandemic, most Americans had heard about pulse oximeters only via TV shows where EMTs shout out a patient’s “pulse ox” — or measure of oxygen in the blood. But when multiple news reports
Right-to-Repair Groups Fire Shots at Medical Device Manufacturers
THE WEBSITE IFIXIT has long been known for its electronics repair kits and for its very public stance that repair manuals should be accessible to everyone. That’s one of the foundational arguments of the broader right-to-repair movement, which lobbies that
Covid, Climate Change, and Medical Supply Chain Resiliency: A Q&A with Professor Jodi Sherman, MD
The US healthcare system’s reliance on a global supply chain and just-in-time delivery has been good for the bottom line. However, critical shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) have recently raised awareness of the vulnerability
Health Leaders: 6 Steps for Rural Hospitals to Rise to the Coronavirus Challenge
The primary steps Margaret Mary Health took to address a surge of coronavirus patients included formation of a response team and expansion of telemedicine.