Health Canada Notice – Important Regulatory Considerations for the Reprocessing of Single Use N95 Respirators during the COVID-19 Response
Single Use N95 respirators are disposable filtering face pieces covering the mouth, nose and chin that capture airborne particles from the air on the filter. They are considered single use medical devices because scientific evidence
MassDevice: Sterilization system from Stryker gets EUA
The FDA has given emergency use authorization to Stryker for its Sterizone VP4 sterilizer that can decontaminate approximately 20 N95 respirators or similar masks per cycle.
Healthcare Purchasing News: Supply chain taskforce helps ramp up medical supply production during COVID-19
The Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force is executing a whole-of-America approach to address limited supply of critical protective and life-saving equipment. Through a four-prong approach of Preservation, Acceleration, Expansion and Allocation, the Federal Emergency Management
Modern Healthcare Commentary: Reflecting on COVID-19 and tech transformations becoming reality
From Seattle, front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, our hypothesis is planning is the antidote to panic. We believe by using 21st century technology, it's possible to stay a step or two ahead of the