In the Villages, America’s biggest retirement oasis, the dangers of coronavirus stack up
Experts say the huge population of highly social seniors could crush the local health care system, which already has problems.
The Hill: Feds send ventilators to coronavirus hot spots around country
President Trump announced Sunday that the federal government is sending several hundred additional ventilators to states hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak.
STAT: Americans are underestimating how long coronavirus disruptions will last, health experts say
Public health experts are increasingly worried that Americans are underestimating how long the coronavirus pandemic will disrupt everyday life in the country, warning that the Trump administration’s timelines are offering many a false sense of
N95 Decon: A scientific consortium for data-driven study of N95 filtering facepiece respirator decontamination
Shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), including medical N95 masks, are forcing hospitals, care centers, and first responders across the country to, in some cases, reuse their limited supply of these critical resources during this
HealthLeaders: How to Conserve Your PPE During the Coronavirus Pandemic
There are dire shortages of personal protective equipment across the country, and at this point in the U.S. COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining adequate supplies of N95 respirator masks is the primary PPE supply chain challenge.