Real Reason US Spends Twice as Much on Healthcare
Earlier this year, the Washington Post reported on The Real Reason the U.S. Spends Twice as Much on Health Care as Other Wealthy Countries. In it, Carolyn Johnson notes a Journal of the American Medical
Amazon Entering Healthcare and Disruption — Lessons from Reprocessing in an Entrenched Supply Chain
Much attention has been given to the announcement that Amazon would jump into the healthcare supply market. Amazon, with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan, intend to reduce healthcare costs for the companies' employees. Modern Healthcare has
CleanMed Europe 2018 Wraps Up
AMDR's Dan Vukelich participated and spoke this week in Nijmegen, Netherlands as part of CleanMed Europe 2018. Radbound University Medical Center and the city of Nijmegen, European Green Capital 2018 served as hosts. CleanMed is
Global Reprocessed Medical Devices Market: Estimated 17.4% YoY Growth
AnalystView Market Insights predicts global reprocessed medical device market to grow at 17.4 percent and reach $5.6 billion by 2025. “The global reprocessed medical devices market is expected to grow at the growth rate of
Sustainability Efforts in Healthcare Lagging
WCAI, a local NPR station for the Cape and surrounding Massachusetts area reports on the need to improve sustainability in Healthcare: "Sustainability has become a major buzzword in the corporate world. In 2015-2016, eighty percent of
Operating Room Greening Initiatives – The Old, the New, and the Way Forward: A Narrative Review
Waste Management & Research, official Journal of the International Solid Waste Association, includes a peer-reviewed article this last month on Greening the OR. Written about Australia, the article notes that Australia is not yet reprocessing or