According to new report, reprocessing market to see gains globally
Market Insights published a report this week on the expected growth of the global market for single-use medical device reprocessing. The report currently estimates the market at USD 1625.9 million, and forecasts the expected growth
Forbes Rx: Controlling U.S. Healthcare Costs: Hospitals Must Drive The Rescue Plan
Forbes, in a recently published article, is reporting on the healthcare industry and focusing its attention on the role hospitals play in lowering and controlling healthcare costs. The article points out the obstacles to controlling
New Market Report Predicts Reprocessing to have 16.6% CAGR through 2023
According to the Daily Assessment, a new market research report titled "2018-2023 Global and Regional Medical Device Reprocessing Industry Production, Sales and Consumption Status and Prospects Professional Market Research Report,” projects the global reprocessing industry
AMDR Reply to Joint Commission International on SUD Reprocessing White Paper (2018)
AMDR response to Joint Commission International White paper confusing hospital reprocessing with regulated, commercial reprocessing.
Japanese Council Focuses on Reprocessed Medical Devices
Having played a key role in the establishment of the commercial reprocessing industry in America, the Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) has sought, both domestically and internationally, to promote a healthier, more transparent medical device paradigm that helps our