Study Shows Hospitals Waste Millions Tossing Away Unused Supplies
Source: Thomas Dworetzky, DotMed Sustainability in the OR may be challenging, but as cost containment becomes more important in the modern push to improve the efficiency of health care delivery, it is a must. In
WHO Global Model Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices Including IVDs
The World Health Organization (WHO)’s “Global Model Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices Including IVDs” draft document, released this last July, includes recommendations for regulatory authorities to adopt a policy whereby SUD reprocessing is subject to
6 Trends in $1B Medical Devices Reprocessing Market
Source: Laura Dyrda, Becker's ASC Review The reprocessed medical devices market is expected to grow over the next few years, according to a new report from Credence Research. Here are six key trends:
New Exchange Aims to Bleed Green, Not Red
Source: Rick Dana Barlow, HPN Online When it comes to progressing toward and implementing environmentally responsible contracting and purchasing of sustainable products and services, a small percentage of
Cleveland Clinic's Green Fund Delivers Results
Health system pays for lighting retrofit, building automation upgrade largely with green fund Source: Jeff Ferenc, HFM Daily Cleveland Clinic is wasting no time in making the $7.5 million green revolving fund (GRF) pay major financial
Tossing Unused Surgical Supplies Wastes Millions Of Dollars, Study Finds
Source: Ana B. Ibarra, California Healthline It’s long been a problem for the nation’s hospitals: A staggering number of medical supplies — from surgical gloves to sponges to medications — go